
Resurrection coming soon – 2019 – Janice, editor

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9-30-14 – Status update.  I still don’t have computer access at my home, other than my phone, so am unable to work on the magazine.  I’m probably going to have access after the end of October, beginning of November.  I’ll keep you posted.  Thanks!

8-20-14 – Hi everyone.  Lots of changes and a couple of moves this year have  meant that I’ve taken a hiatus.  I’m currently without an internet provider.  Hope to have that resolved this fall and get back into the swing of things.  Can’t wait!  I’ll keep you posted.

2-6-13 – The “Once Upon a Time” issue is now available to read.  For those of you interested in perusing our earlier issues, I removed the first 2 issues (Issue 1 – Death & Immortality and Issue 2 – Siren Songs)  from the menu bar, as having all of that information on the same page was causing the site to take eons to load.  Never fear! The pages are still there.  You can use the search bar at the top of the menu to type in what you’re looking for and once the search results come up click on the page you like.


As an editor of a small magazine, I am allowed to nominate up to 6 pieces of work for the annual Pushcart Prize.  All stories and poetry that have appeared to-date in Scarlet Literary Magazine were considered.  Choosing only 6 nominees was not an easy task.  After much reading and discussion, my assistant Cathy and I have decided on the following nominees.  Congratulations and Best of Luck!

1.  Dawn Joy Marks, for her story “Lundi Gras” (Vol. 1. Iss. 1,  Death & Immortality)

2.  C.B. Anderson, for his poem “Love The Day” (Vol. 1. Iss. 2,  Siren Songs)

3.  John Dotson, for his poem “Ode: To The Ideal of Feminine Beauty With Whom I Was Infatuated For Two Minutes On The Orange Line” (Vol. 1. Iss. 2,  Siren Songs and asOrange Line Girlin our Spoken Word section)

4.  Amanda Nethers for her poem “Summer’s Sweet Siren Song” (Vol. 1. Iss. 2, Siren Songs)

5.  Stephen Brooke, for his poem “Jewels” (Vol. 1.  Iss. 3, Odes to the Moon)

6.  S. Lynne Horton,  for her poem “Moon’s Masquerade Ball” (Vol. 1, Iss. 3, Odes to the Moon)

1 Response to Announcements

  1. Pingback: Scarlet Literary Magazine刊发冰花诗的英译 | 冰花文集

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